Monday, September 30, 2019

Novel using Frankenstein as an Example Essay

However the horror itself needs to be complimented with one of the most important part your gothic novel, this being some form of a supernatural event or otherwise inexplicable event. This could include ghosts or giants walking, or inanimate objects such as a suit of armour or painting as recognised in Castle of Otranto † it fell crushing his limbs†. In the case of Frankenstein it can be explained but it still a supernatural event. â€Å"I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. â€Å", Shelley not only uses this as a main plot point to drive much of the issuing events, with in this case speaking in a sterile scientific manor, but also to shine light on some of the ethical issues of her time, mainly advancements in science and issues such as bring life back to â€Å"inanimate† tissues. It symbolises for her the fact that science could be taken to extremes, and the events after indicate this. These events are often preceded by a vision. You may want to use this before some form of death. In chapter 5 there are no real disturbing dream visions, a better example can be seen in other gothic novels, and I will used The Castle of Otranto, this includes the omen that â€Å"That the castle and lordship of Otranto should pass from the present family, whenever the real owner should be grown too large to inhabit it. † or any phenomenon that may be seen as a portent of coming events other than in some way or Victor’s dream of Elizabeth death. , an omen that it is soon to be his time to die while at every turn the women are put into distress and a epitomising the feel that all will happen in an almost omnipotent fashion will come to its end. This should be included into your novel in some shape or form to give it a more gothic feel overall and in many cases it relates to the supernatural events to come. Women should partake in two main forms to extenuate the gothic; firstly they should at some point during your novel be in some form of distress. It should contain an appeal to the pathos and sympathy of the reader, the female characters should face events that leave them fainting, terrified, screaming, or sobbing. A lonely, pensive, and oppressed heroine is often the central figure of a gothic novel, so her sufferings are even more pronounced and the focus of attention. This can be seen by the threat made to Elizabeth’s life through the dream in chapter 5. You could increase this more because the women are often abandoned, left alone (either on purpose or by accident), and have no protector at times. Elizabeth is left in Geneva alone with the monster (even if only in victors mind) wanting to hunt her down and kill her. You could use this to great effect and continue it to a degree that that the women should be threatened by or with the presence of a tyrannical male, this could range in your novel from a king, lord of the manor, father, or guardian, to demand that one or more of the female characters do something intolerable. The Monster howls in rage and utters the ominous words: â€Å"I shall be with you on your wedding night. † All the while it s rain outside with another choice to creating horror and suspense with metonym in the case referring to the darkness of the situation. Using threading tones and the fact that he â€Å"shall† implying that the wedding day will be in no way pleasant. The woman may be commanded to marry someone she does not love (it may even be the powerful male himself), or commit a crime. This bring about examples of the next gothic case in point with most of the book contain much overwrought and tense emotions which often are highly sentimental. This tool should be used to create various emotion ties with your protagonist and the reader, often in the case of gothic novels the sensation of impending doom and gloom, however it can also be used for exultant situations as well, as in Frankenstein chapter 5 with â€Å"I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. â€Å", Shelley uses specific language such as â€Å"breathless horror† to symbolise the overwrought sense of disgust he felt, filling his heart suggesting that it not only hurt his senses but was a major blow to his spirit. However all of this means very little if you fail to adhere to one element that must be true if you aim is to create a truly gothic novel and the is vocabulary and syntax of the gothic writing; this is of the utmost importance The constant use of the appropriate vocabulary to set creates the atmosphere of the gothic. This includes â€Å"I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the house which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the night, walking up and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life. † With settings and places more suited to the time such as a courtyard, however using less common words such as greatest agitation to denote more of a tone of authenticity and demonical corpse (never referring the victors creation as a human or even some form of humanoid) standing for deeper emotions than just a monster. However that is not all that it requires for gothic writing, include the way that questions are presented â€Å"with infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form? † which could be translated as I had work hard to form. I recommend therefore that you must really acquaint yourself with the general genre if you have not already and I recommend both Frankenstein and The Castle of Otranto which both brilliant representations of not only language but the points that I have already mentioned. Finally I would sat that in order for you book to match that of Shelley’s you may want to include some issues surrounding ethical issues at the time, and as an example think of the issues surrounding the other title of Shelley’s novel being â€Å"The Modern Prometheus† this in the case of Frankenstein is the issues surrounding playing god. This brought about by greater scientific and medical advances in her time. You may use this to make your story to bring about a deeper meaning than that just of a ghost story. To conclude, I hope that the guidelines that I have provided will help you succeed in you overall goal of creating a true gothic novel. This can be easily achieved by following the simple process of metonymy of gloom, tragic females, tyrannical males, supernatural events, overwrought emotion and an ominous dream. It may seem like a daunting task however I will always offer more support and advice if you feel that you need it and I hope to read your novel and give my opinion on it, which I am sure will be great. Yours Sincerely Dr M. Yellehs   Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

President Barack Obama Lifts Cuban Restrictions Essay

For many years, legal professionals and scholars in economics argued over the benefits and costs of the trade embargo which was put on Cuba by the U. S. Over the course of years, Cuban Americans were not only deprived of a chance to reunite with their families; they did not have the legal right to provide their family members residing in Cuba with financial support. Now, the new American President has come to fulfill one of his major promises – to lift restrictions, which Cuban Americans faced in their need for travel and financial cooperation with Cuba. Although Obama’s decision does not eliminate the trade embargo, it expands the rights of common Cubans and Cuban Americans and will certainly become the first step toward restoring trade and political relationships with Cuba. For years, the majority of Cuban Americans has been torn from their families and was unable to maintain close relationships with their Cuban relatives. Under American restrictions, Cuban Americans were limited to one visit per year and were not allowed to support their families materially (Weinemann, 2004). Now, as Barack Obama looks further into the need to improve relations with Cuba, lifting restrictions will also improve the wellbeing of many Cubans and will provide them with a chance to reunite with their American family members. Moreover, it appears that under the pressure of legal restrictions, Cuban Americans learnt to avoid legal responsibility for violating the requirements regarding traveling and financial transactions. â€Å"They get around the restriction by traveling illegally through third countries, just like the vast majority of Americans who travel to Cuba. Cuban Americans carry or send cash back home at a rate of $1 billion a year† (Weinemann, 2004), as a result, lifting restrictions is the means to legalize what has been illegal for many years, and to improve relations between Cuba and the U. S. Lifting restrictions on traveling and financial transactions to Cuba is a very pleasing fact. Beyond expanding traveling activity and financial operations between the two countries, this Obama’s decision is likely to cause a strategic political and economic change. Statistics suggests that Florida alone loses $750 annually due to the trade embargo (Weinemann, 2004); Florida ports could maintain positive relationships with other Cuban enterprises and could thus turn into another source of revenues for the state budget. Moreover, given that these are the citizens that promote changes, lifting restrictions will provide the Cubans with better stimuli for a major democratic change. The more citizens are allowed to visit Cuba and to develop mutually beneficial relationships with the U. S. , the more probable it is that Cuba will choose a more democratic way of development (Nuccio, 1998). Certainly, lifting restrictions on financial transactions is the topic of hot debate. Opponents of Obama’s decision are confident that additional finances will work to support the Cuban government in its desire to restrict democratic freedoms and to promote dictatorship and political isolation. Unfortunately, Obama’s opponents forget that â€Å"if the U. S. embargo is successful in its objective of denying resources to the Cuban government, it must also have negative effects on the lives of ordinary Cubans† (Nuccio, 1998). The political history of Cuba suggests that not the government, but common citizens are the primary victims of the embargo. Due to the embargo and travel restrictions, citizens cannot avoid the sense of hatred and hostility toward the neighboring country; Cuban Americans are no longer enthusiastic about these restrictions. More than 1. 2 million Cuban Americans vote for lifting the current restrictions and welcome Obama’s decision (Weinemann, 2004), which also means that their personal lives will change for the better and the majority of their personal issues will be resolved. Conclusion Lifting restrictions for Cubans regarding traveling to Cuba and sending money to their family members will improve the quality of relationships between Cuba and the U. S. People will be given a chance to reunite with their families. Families will be given an opportunity to receive financial support from their relatives abroad. Finally, lifting these restrictions is the first step toward establishing democratic relationships with Cuba and expanding international trade. References Nuccio, R. A. (1998). Cautious optimism. Harvard International Review, 20 (4): 24-27. Weinmann, L. (2004). Washington’s irrational Cuba policy. World Policy Journal, 21 (1): 22-31.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Devastatingly Human - An Analysis of Registered Nurses' Medication Essay

Devastatingly Human - An Analysis of Registered Nurses' Medication Error Accounts--NURSING - Essay Example According to Camire et al (2009), "given the large body of literature about patient safety, the limited evidence available to guide clinicians in selecting strategies to prevent and disclose medication errors in critically ill patients is surprising. Nevertheless, patient safety is a first step in providing high-quality health care, and ensuring the safety of patients is everyone’s responsibility and challenge." Since administration of accurate medication is the most embedded principle of nursing; any event of medication error jeopardizes the livelihood and identity of the professional self. Trieber and Jones (2010) analysed the medication error accounts of registered nurses through direct interview with them in order to facilitate better understanding of the perceives error of medication administration errors and to understand strategies employed by the nurses to deal with them. It is often difficult to quantify medication administration errors which are the most common medic al errors in the United States. However, only less than 5 percent are reported (Trieber and Jones, 2010). The Institute of Medicine or IOM has recognized medication administration error as an important target task and has attempted to study and analyze various aspects of environment of the nurses which contribute to errors. This included work design, organizational management and organizational culture. However, the institute failed to include certain aspects of nursing profession like perfectionism, self-sacrifice and duty and also issues related to gender and recent technologies. The institute also did not include the perceptions of nurses who are the frontliners in administration of medication to hospitalized people. This is important because; it is these nurses who are involved in both preventing medication errors and committing medication errors and nurses are emotionally affected when they commit a medication error. The main strategy to prevent medication error is by following the basic principle of "five rights"; right patient, right time, right route, right medication and right dose (Bates, 2007). There is no consensus on the definition of medication error and as to when the error must notified. While most nurses opine that giving wrong medication to a patient is wrong, only a few agree that giving the medication late is also wrong. Thus, discrepancies exist in the definition. Thus, if the rights definition is applied, the number of medication errors would actually escalate more than the estimated number (Trieber and Jones, 2010). Several error reduction technologies have come up which are said to help in decreasing medication errors. These include patient charting through computers, arm-bands that are bar coded, and dispensing cabinets that are automated (Bates, 2007). Other strategies to reduce medication errors include decrease in the number of medicine which look alike or sound alike and application of read back and confirm strategy for orders that were delivered verbally (Trieber and Jones, 2010). There is still controversy as to whether these strategies and procedures introduced to reduce medication errors actually help in reduction or errors or complicated the problem. Some researchers like Koppel et al (2008; cited in Trieber and Jones, 2010) are of the opinion that these recent gadgets actually confuse the nurses and worsen medication errors. Infact, in their study, they found that computerized

Friday, September 27, 2019

Summarize Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summarize - Research Paper Example The service provided by the company is still unique but over the years it has received significant popularity in the cities in which the company operates. The car sharing service provided by the company is economically feasible and the rationale behind the service is also encouraged by the environmentalists and the users alike. According to a survey conducted in the year 2006, it was found out that one-third of the users of the company either sold out their vehicle or gave up the idea of acquiring their own vehicle. In this manner the company met its objective of reducing the number of car owners. One of the objectives of the company is to reduce the amount of pollution that results from harmful emissions from car use. By providing a vehicle to a subscriber for a limited period of time, the company succeeds in its objective of discouraging prolonged usage of cars. In this way harmful emissions can be reduced and the overall pollution in the environment can be slowed down. The company provides the car sharing service in the following manner. The subscriber is required to reserve a vehicle at a specified station of the company either in person or by making a call. The subscriber is also required to specify the time when the car would be needed.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lesson Plan to Comprehend the First Law of Newton Assignment

Lesson Plan to Comprehend the First Law of Newton - Assignment Example The language needs to be of a Middle School level, with the emphasis being laid on the explanation and usage of technical and scientific terms, like Inertia and Velocity. Sentences that define the key concepts must be written, and finally must lead to the law itself. Later, examples can also be illustrated. Charts and pictorial depictions of the law can be used. Besides this, an action of the real-life depiction can be done in class by getting groups of students to enact each example. This way, it drives home the concept, while also promoting team-building and bonding. The content must not be perceived from the sole purpose of explaining the law. It must invoke a genuine interest to learn about Newton. Besides this, the very pertinence of this law in day-to-day activities can help stress on the amalgamation of reality and science, and a confluence of the two. Thus, the preparation for the instruction of this class, must ... Besides this, the very pertinence of this law in day-to-day activities can help stress on the amalgamation of reality and science, and a confluence of the two. Thus, the preparation for the instruction of this class must involve the proper portrayal of Newton and his laws. The first law must be explained with the help of key concepts. Then, real-life examples must be used to help students comprehend the concept clearly. Finally, the  active representation of the law can be portrayed in class.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Most Effective Promotional Tools to Attract Customers Essay

Most Effective Promotional Tools to Attract Customers - Essay Example The systematic way of communicating marketing function to the target audience in order to influence their behavior towards a product and taking competitive advantage is known as promotion (Koekemoer 2004). The promotional tools are very important in industries where competition is tough and these tools helps the organizations to maintain their market share by increasing the sales volume (Perreault 2000). In leisure industry, it is very important to determine appropriate promotional tool that can help the organization to increase the customer satisfaction and increase its revenue therefore, this paper will evaluate the promotional tools that are most effective for Virgin holidays. Company Profile â€Å"Virgin holidays† is part of virgin group and this leisure company is one of the largest tour operator companies of UK, established since 1985 (Virgin 2012). Apart from USA and Caribbean, it offers holidays to different parts of the world including Middle East, South Africa, Canad a, Australia, Mauritius, and Far East. On average, the company runs 16 marketing campaigns per year in which different promotions are performed in summer, fall, and winter seasons (Virgin 2012). There are also monthly marketing campaigns in which the company, for increasing the overall revenue targets different segments (Virgin 2012). The promotional tools that Virgin Holidays is using to attract customers are Sales promotion, Advertising and Publicity. Research Objective The purpose of this research is to determine the promotional tool that is most effective to attract customers of Virgin Holiday. Research questions Q1. What types of promotional tools are most effective for attracting customers of Virgin Holidays? Q2. What is the importance of determining appropriate promotional tool for leisure industry? Significance of the Proposed Research Work The proposed research work is significantly important for the organizations of UK because this research will enable organizations to und erstand effectiveness of promotional tools in increasing their overall profitability. In this way, organizations will be able to implement appropriate promotional tools in their marketing strategy, which not only help to improve their profits, but increasing consumer loyalty for the product. In addition to the context of UK organizations, there is lack of research work for the effective of promotional tools in leisure industry. Therefore, this research will serve as important studies towards understanding the effectiveness of promotional tools. Scope of the Proposed Study The scope of this research will be limited to exploring the promotional tools used by Virgin Holidays for marketing, and their effectiveness for the company. No other factors will be explored or tested apart from these in the studies and it is important to mention here that the analysis and discussion in light of the proposed research aim will be limited to the skills and ability of the researcher. Structure of the Report This research report is divided into five chapters, which are as follows: Chapter – 01: Introduction The starting chapter of this report will discuss the background related to the topic and problems that are responsible for conducting this research. Apart from this, the chapter presents the aim, objectives and questions that will be addressed in this

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Late Roman, Early Christian and Byzantine Art Essay - 2

Late Roman, Early Christian and Byzantine Art - Essay Example On looking at its interior central upper walls, decorations denoting four pairs of apostles are well placed (Ricci 22). On careful scrutiny, one could not fail to recognize the St. Paul and St. Paul. In addition, this central upper walls in the bay have the apostles acclaiming a given giant cross right at the dome center against the sky blue appearance of the stars (Ricci 23). These apostles appear to be placed floating among clouds. The other bunch of apostles exists in the barrel vaults in the interior of that building (Ricci 24). A careful scrutiny of the lunette existing in the north entrance depicts Christ mosaic depicting a good shepherd taking care of his flock. In his arms, an imperial staff appears to be joined to the given Christian cross, supposing symbolizing a combination of heavenly and earthly domains (Ricci 25). Over the South wall, another lunette can be view, but this one depicting St. Lawrence standing close to a given flaming gridiron (Ricci 27). The gridiron has on its opposite side a bookcase which appears to contain four books. These books have inscribed names of evangelists (Ricci 28). The interior provides a serene atmosphere for Christians as they are made to have their hearts

Monday, September 23, 2019

Tuskegee Airmen History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tuskegee Airmen History - Research Paper Example From the days approaching he first world war onwards, African American men had tried to become involved in the emerging discipline of air training, but the path was initially blocked by the planning bureaucrats when they tried to apply. The reason given in 1917 was that â€Å"No colored aero squadrons were being formed at the present time,... but, if later on, it was decided to form colored squadrons, recruiting officers would be notified to that effect.† Francis and Caso, 1997, p. 37) The uncomfortable truth of that era was that the War Department simply did not believe that African American men had the talent and ability to benefit from training as pilots. Besides this wholly unjustified prejudice concerning the qualities of African Americans, there was also a deep-seated commitment to segregation of white and African American people in all walks of life. The military could not conceive of an inter-racial force combining these different groups, as we have today in the modern navy, airforce and army, and so the only possible idea in their minds was a segregated unit for non-white groups. From the beginning of its existence, the U.S. Air Force was considered a profession only for the brightest and best students. It combined a highly technical training in all the skills needed for flight, with a demand for courage and exceptionally good judgement in difficult circumstances. Most airmen were graduates of respected colleges, and of course the general exclusion of African American students from most white colleges and universities made it difficult for this group to obtain even the basic prerequisites for entry. The Tuskegee Institute filled this gap by designing the first advanced courses specially tailored to prepare African American students for a career in flying. Civilian pilots and other trainees were recruited, and the types of training provided covered quite a range, including preparation for roles as airplane mechanic, aircraft armorer, aircraft sup ply and technical clerk, instrument and weather forecasting. (Francis and Caso, 1997, p. 55) One of the reasons for this expansion into African American training institues was the increasing need for qualified staff, but another was the efforts of teaching staff and potential trainees, especially in the Southern States to be allowed to take up an equal position along with other groups in defending their country in the case of war. The Second World War made it abundantly clear that the country needed to be equipped for defence and action in Europe and elsewhere, and this is perhaps what encouraged the planners to provide the resources for training. Despite the logical reasons for the Tuskegee programs, many people in government and in society at large remained to be convinced that African Americans could take up such vitally complex and difficult roles as flying in combat. A significant factor in overcoming these reservations was a visit by the President’s wife, Mrs Eleanor Ro osevelt, to fly with Charles Alfred Anderson. â€Å"Thanks to his skill and obvious abilities, the First Lady returned to the White House convinced about the Blacks’ capabilities not only to fight in the Air Corps, but to fight as well in the Army and in the Navy.† (Francis and Caso, 1997, p. 31) While permission to train for the Air Corps was pushing ahead, things were not quite so positive in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Reflection paper - Essay Example Aside from this, there are issues in identifying who is at risk since adolescents are commonly identified in the criteria. The chapter suggests that all youth must be included as long as they manifest the behavioral signs. The common mistakes made in assessing youth-at-risk is placing focus on either cause or effect rather than establishing the relationship between the two factors . Also explored in the chapter are questions on measuring resiliency and its connection to the development of a prevention program. Moreover, a clear distinction of whether crisis prevention or crisis management must be set before initiating a program. In the first place, the manual’s emphasis is more on prevention , rather than management. The chapter is helpful in establishing foundational perspectives, identifying the youth, describing populations, and identifying behavioral and causal characteristics. It is also emphatic in stating that family, school, peer group, society are causal factors for the youth-at-risk. Nevertheless, the chapter supports the idea that through sound prevention programs, the incidence of youth-at-risk can be minimized. The handling of youth-at-risk is a complicated task which is why chapter 1 suggested that the approach must be multi-disciplinary. For one, it was revealed that most schools are not ready to handle youth-at-risk. The school cannot place the burden on the school counselor alone to handle all the problems of youth-at-risk. In fact, the success of Spring High school’s mentoring program that encouraged the student’s to stay in school was an effort from many mentors like classroom teachers ( Murray, 2009 ). The school must develop a sound conceptual framework that involves teachers committed to encouraging students to stay in school despite the difficulties that they encounter. Second, developing a prevention

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Lucas de Groot Essay Example for Free

Lucas de Groot Essay Born on June 21st, 1963 Lucas de Groot was born in Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands. He is known as being an influential Dutch type designer and has worked with and for, many well-known companies and publications. Between 1982 and 1987 he studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague under Gerrit Noordzij. Between 1989 and 1993 he worked on corporate identity projects at the Dutch design group BRS Premsela Vonk. In 1993 he joined MetaDesign in Berlin where he worked with Erik Spiekermann on the development of the FF Meta family. He is most famously known for designing custom fonts for prestigious newspapers such as Folha de S.Paulo, Le Monde, Metro and Der Spiegel. Aside from designing for major publications, he is also well known for creating corporate type for international companies including Sun Microsystems, Bell South, Heineken, Siemens and Miele. One of his major achievements, which he created during the rise of Microsoft, was the creation of two font families. The first family was known as the ‘monospaced’ font family Consolas, the new alternative to Courier. The second font family was known as Calibri, the new default typeface in MS Word. He is mostly known for the very large font family Thesis (TheSans, TheSerif, TheMix, TheSansMono and later TheAntiqua) and Corpid (previously AgroSans). De Groot has also designed various custom fonts for particular clients: SunSans for Sun Microsystems; SpiegelSans and Taz for, respectively, the German magazines Der Spiegel and die tageszeitung; and FolhaSerif for the Brazilian newspaper Folha. De Groot later on founded his own type foundry, LucasFonts, in 2000 due to his successes with creating so many successful font families. Its aim, in a few words: to make the world a better place by designing typefaces that look good and work well under any circumstances and in many languages. Graphic designers across the planet have discovered the special qualities of Luc(as)’ fonts. They are attracted by their functionality and friendly appearance and love the enormous range of possibilities that each family offers. Many also appreciate the idiosyncrasies – a quest for extremes that has resulted in some of the narrowest, thinnest, wittiest or boldest typefaces around. He is currently the head of the type foundry Fontfabrik.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Zerto Technology Company Analysis

Zerto Technology Company Analysis Bishal Shrestha Project management Risk and Reliability Zerto is the company which provides disaster recovery software for virtualized infrastructure and the cloud. In 2011 at VMworld Awards The main product of Zerto Zerto Virtual Replication won Best in Show. Zerto company was founded in 2009, which was held privately funded by the Battery Ventures, U.S. Venture Partners and Greylock. Oded Kedem and Ziv who was a former founder of Kashya co-founded the Zerto company. Zerto Company launched their first software called Zerto Virtual Replication 4.0 that allows the recovery, protection and migration of data among MicrosoftHyper-V and VMware Sphere, also across many prive or hybrid cloud situation counting the AWS( Amazon Web Services). The two core objectives of the venture between an angel investor (Venture capitalistic) and Zerto are Profit earning Zerto aims to earn profit by selling their main product Zerto Virtual Replication as much as possible with angel investor. Market share One of the objectives of Zerto is to expand its market share by increasing number of customers. SWOT analysis of the objectives Strength The product of Zerto helps to create virtual infrastructure and cloud for recovering data during disaster. This type of product is highly demanded so can contribute in earning profit. Since Zerto is well knowm and award winning company, its Venture with angel investor can increase the number of clients resulting the increase of market share. Weakness Zerto being in the market for long time, the products lacks innovations in comparison to new companies. This can be hindrance in sale of the product. Zerto has been working with many other investors, new venture with new investor may arise conflicts and difficulties in the organization. This may result in loosing of clients as well as discourage new clients. Opportunities The increase in natural disasters due to environmental changes, troubles from hackers create opportunities to sell the product. The venture with angel investors provides opportunities for Zerto to attract new clients and explore new markets, thus helps to increase market share. Threats Emerging of new similar companies with new products and venture creates difficulty for Zerto to sell their product. Pursuing for new clients and new market with new investors may cause loss of old clients and market. Thus, this may result is decrease of market share. Mind map of the product The product developed to achieve the identified objective is Zerto Virtual Replication (ZVR). Positive Stakeholders       Stakeholders those who help in increasing market share of Zerto are listed below: Comvita EUKOR Car Carriers Inc. Family Investments Fayat Constructions Foresight Financial Group Employees Owner Users Team members Advertising company Negative Stakeholders Likewise the competitors who possess threat to Zerto Are as follows: IBM Sanovi Dell EMC Continuity Software Net App Governmental policies Customers Other companies Staffs Market Mind map of the Zerto to reach its respective objectives. The initial investment for ZVR is $860,000. The company invested $130m to start the product with 360 people and now is generating $35m revenue every year. Zerto Virtual Replication is powerful tool for ensuring organization security even in event if disaster. It is unique and offers more flexibility than others. It supports variety of cloud options i.e. not only their cloud options but also of third party or other organizations. As power, security and flexibility does not come I cheaper price, the cost of Zerto Virtual Replication is well justified by its quality and performance. Amount invested Tasks Investment Lease 120,000 Team members 220,000 Advertisement 50,000 Developers 250,000 High speed internet 40,000 Electricity 60,000 Interior 120,000 Every coin has two sides, similarly Zerto Virtual Replication has pros and cons as well. Some of the risks related to this product are Tangible Risks Zerto Virtual Replication is expensive product. It is very challenging to construct supporting infrastructure require to operate ZVR. ZVR operates only with support of cloud. ZVR requires cloud support from different distant places more location (i.e. two or more in different geographical regions) Due to flexible cloud option third party may get benefit. Intangible Risks Zerto Virtual Replication could not replicate or seeding is not done if intenet speed is slow. Zerto Virtual Replication lacks ability to protect non-virtualized network resources. Zerto Virtual Replication is difficult to understand and manage as it uses cloud technology. Zerto Virtual Replication allows for storage agnostic replication hence is a complicated technology. Others tough offers in markets The risk can be measured reliably. Though Zerto Virtual Replication is expensive but it is very powerful tool and performs according to its cost. Zerto Virtual Replication is hypervisor based replication technology that moves asynchronous replication from the physical storage and disk arrays to the virtualization abstraction layer. This allows for storage-agnostic replication i.e. a virtual machine can be replicated to another VM operating on a different storage technology. Since, Zerto Virtual Replication requires cloud support it has most flexible cloud options so, can support cloud of any organizations. Though, it requires high internet but afterward works in its place with usual internet speed. Even it is complicated technology and mechanism but has easy to use interface and is user friendly. Therefore, Zerto Virtual Replication is powerful though expensive can handle business continuity extremely well. Thus these reduce the risks. References (2017). Zerto. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2017]. Zerto. (2017). Zerto: About Us. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2017].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Nigerias Rigid Expectations of Men :: essays research papers fc

In September 1997, in Oslo, Norway, a meeting was organized in co-operation with the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO where international observer B. Mustakim said, â€Å"Highlighting masculinity may be seen as a way of excusing violent men, since their behavior is attributed to a masculinity which many believe to be "natural" and unchangeable.† Georg Tillner, author of Men and Masculinities, responded, â€Å"Power is the one aspect all variants of masculinity have in common, not necessarily as the real possession of power, but rather as a "demand for dominance" or an "entitlement to power". Masculinity is an identity† (Mustakim). Throughout Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, masculinity takes an impressive role in molding the clan’s male-dominated society, and plays a vital part in influencing characters’ decisions. In the novel, Achebe reveals the definition of what it means to be a man in Nigerian society ; he should be masculine and protect his family and friends in that he is willing to fight, earn his good reputation, and preserve and expand the honor of his family. In Nigerian society, a man was responsible for the protection of his family and friends in that he was willing to fight. No character in Things Fall Apart demonstrated this ideal better than that of Okonkwo. This was apparent in the very beginning of the novel when it is brought to the reader’s attention that Okonkwo had, at such a young age, already taken two titles and demonstrated undivided skill in two inter-tribal wars. At the closing stages of the novel, Okonkwo yet again attempted to protect his clansmen when five court messengers arrive at one of the clan’s meetings. Without any hesitation, Okonkwo pulled out his machete and killed the head messenger. Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, however, did not fit the same mold of masculinity as that of his high-achieved son. While Unoka and his neighbor, Okoye, were sharing a kola nut (a symbol of life and vitality) one day, they talked about several things including that of the impending war with the village of Mbaino. U noka did not condone war, but not because he believed that it was barbaric. He was simply a coward and could not stand the sight of blood. Thomas Alva Edison, a great inventor, businessman, and true Renaissance man, once said, â€Å"The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do† (Woopidoo!). Okonkwo became an important and successful asset to his clan by achieving things in which his father refused to partake.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Caribbean Identity Essay -- Culture Caribbean History Cultural Ess

The Caribbean Identity The way in which Benà ­tez-Rojo and Mintz tackle the question of Caribbean identity in their articles, is a removed, objective ideal, in contrast to Michelle Cliff’s portrayal of Jamaican identity. Cliff’s portrayal touches the heart and soul of Caribbean identity. While Mintz and Benà ­tez-Rojo are investigating trends in the Caribbean as a whole, from an outside perspective, Cliff offers the personal, tactile imagery of what it is to live in the Caribbean, utilizing the objective account of history as a background. Furthermore, Cliff deals with Jamaica, one island in the Caribbean, while Mintz and Benà ­tez-Rojo are dealing with the Caribbean on a grand scaled overview. The fact is neither article can be taken as complete truth. In fact, although Cliff uses history in her novel, I believe the account of history from someone who has completely accessed the interior of a place, is always going to be biased. Likewise, Mintz and Benà ­tez-Rojo in making their hypothes es, are lacking an insider’s view. It is the difference between a Caribbean person and Caribbeanist, respectively. Therefore, while on a logical level, an analytical level, Benà ­tez-Rojo and Mintz’s, conclusions as to Caribbean identity could rightly be accepted, these two authors do not possess the experience and intensity to make me as a reader, convinced of their conclusions. Benà ­tez-Rojo and Mintz do utilize imagery in their texts. For example, Benà ­tez-Rojo quotes E. Dovergier as a manner of displaying with images what he has attempted to explain regarding rhythm as being the unifying factor of Caribbean culture. Part of this description reads, "the buyers buzz around like a swarm of flies; they haggle, they gesticulate, they laugh, they babble ..., it seems to be in Jamaica specifically, the elite and ruling class are never going to understand what it was like to be a slave or possibly never admit that it was wrong to encourage slavery. Those who were slaves or relatives of slaves, understand the horrors associated with slavery and will not be able to forgive completely the naivity and self involvement on the part of elite in continuing slavery. For as Clare says, although emancipation eventually came, as well as official freedom of Jamaica from Britain, there is no essence of complete freedom. Bibliography Antonio Benà ­tez-Rojo, The Repeating Island (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1992) Michelle Cliff, Abeng (New York: Penguin, 1995; orig. 1984). Sindney W. Mintz, â€Å"The Caribbean as a Socio-Cultural Area,† in M. Horowitz, Peoples & Cultures of the Caribbean (Garden City, N.J., 1971).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has plans to fast track the integration of its member countries over the next few years. Aside from encouraging cooperation through traditional diplomatic and cultural activities, there are also ambitious proposals for ASEAN to issue a single visa and currency, and even form a united regional Olympic team. The advantages of a united ASEAN are easy to imagine. A cohesive ASEAN would likely bring tremendous benefits to Southeast Asians in the forms of more jobs, more tourists, stronger defense forces and improved camaraderie among competing neighbors.Besides, who would oppose the idea of unity and greater economic coordination in the region? But ASEAN’s basic problem is not merely an absence of unity. Wasn’t unity the main objective of ASEAN when it was established in 1967? The fact that after four decades, the group is still pushing to integrate its ten member countries suggests a pretty significant failure to foster sol idarity in the region. Without undermining the laudable efforts of the ASEAN Secretariat, many doubt it can realize the One Community vision by its announced target date of 2015.How can it, if it continues to use the same approach that has singularly failed to unite its members to date? ASEAN unity will remain an impossible vision as long as its members continue to demand it for the wrong reasons. In truth, each member nation views its association with ASEAN as a means to pursue its national interests. Sacrificing the national agenda to realize the regional good is largely an alien concept to ASEAN members. Member nations are in favor of unity as long as it doesn’t conflict with their respective national objectives.To be sure, ASEAN has successfully coordinated aid and relief efforts when natural disasters have devastated the region. But the group should be more than the region’s answer to Red Cross. But such instances are usually when ASEAN unity is invoked, namely, w hen a member is overwhelmed by a problem it can’t solve or when it is affected by a neighbor’s woes. Today, for example, we hear demands for ASEAN to intervene in Burma’s Rohingya Dilemma, maritime disputes in the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea, and human trafficking across the region.ASEAN’s next step will most likely be to decide whether to issue a joint statement to address these issues. In the absence of disasters, and in between ministerial conferences, however, ASEAN has failed to engage in the essential task of building regional unity. ASEAN hasn’t even been able to prevent members from accusing each other of being bad neighbors. East Timor’s attempts to join the club have been blocked by Singapore, among others, which view its entry as a threat to their national interests, although the reason given to the public is usually East Timor’s internal conflicts.Ultimately, ASEAN’s unwillingness to form a more united an d powerful regional grouping has been exploited by global powers like the United States, China and Japan, which are aggressively promoting their geopolitical interests in the region. A unified ASEAN could challenge the political and economic resources of these big nations. Instead, each ASEAN member has preferred to negotiate individually. It’s tragic enough that ASEAN is not united.It’s more tragic to hear ASEAN members articulate and advance the interests of non-ASEAN superpowers during ASEAN summits. At the minimum, a united ASEAN could prevent colonial powers old and new from dominating the region. But that’s just a start. After asserting its independence, it would be great to see ASEAN aspire to become a global power in its own right. With this vision in mind, perhaps it’s time to unite and promote the Southeast Asian way of life as a viable alternative to the world. Asean The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has plans to fast track the integration of its member countries over the next few years. Aside from encouraging cooperation through traditional diplomatic and cultural activities, there are also ambitious proposals for ASEAN to issue a single visa and currency, and even form a united regional Olympic team. The advantages of a united ASEAN are easy to imagine. A cohesive ASEAN would likely bring tremendous benefits to Southeast Asians in the forms of more jobs, more tourists, stronger defense forces and improved camaraderie among competing neighbors.Besides, who would oppose the idea of unity and greater economic coordination in the region? But ASEAN’s basic problem is not merely an absence of unity. Wasn’t unity the main objective of ASEAN when it was established in 1967? The fact that after four decades, the group is still pushing to integrate its ten member countries suggests a pretty significant failure to foster sol idarity in the region. Without undermining the laudable efforts of the ASEAN Secretariat, many doubt it can realize the One Community vision by its announced target date of 2015.How can it, if it continues to use the same approach that has singularly failed to unite its members to date? ASEAN unity will remain an impossible vision as long as its members continue to demand it for the wrong reasons. In truth, each member nation views its association with ASEAN as a means to pursue its national interests. Sacrificing the national agenda to realize the regional good is largely an alien concept to ASEAN members. Member nations are in favor of unity as long as it doesn’t conflict with their respective national objectives.To be sure, ASEAN has successfully coordinated aid and relief efforts when natural disasters have devastated the region. But the group should be more than the region’s answer to Red Cross. But such instances are usually when ASEAN unity is invoked, namely, w hen a member is overwhelmed by a problem it can’t solve or when it is affected by a neighbor’s woes. Today, for example, we hear demands for ASEAN to intervene in Burma’s Rohingya Dilemma, maritime disputes in the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea, and human trafficking across the region.ASEAN’s next step will most likely be to decide whether to issue a joint statement to address these issues. In the absence of disasters, and in between ministerial conferences, however, ASEAN has failed to engage in the essential task of building regional unity. ASEAN hasn’t even been able to prevent members from accusing each other of being bad neighbors. East Timor’s attempts to join the club have been blocked by Singapore, among others, which view its entry as a threat to their national interests, although the reason given to the public is usually East Timor’s internal conflicts.Ultimately, ASEAN’s unwillingness to form a more united an d powerful regional grouping has been exploited by global powers like the United States, China and Japan, which are aggressively promoting their geopolitical interests in the region. A unified ASEAN could challenge the political and economic resources of these big nations. Instead, each ASEAN member has preferred to negotiate individually. It’s tragic enough that ASEAN is not united.It’s more tragic to hear ASEAN members articulate and advance the interests of non-ASEAN superpowers during ASEAN summits. At the minimum, a united ASEAN could prevent colonial powers old and new from dominating the region. But that’s just a start. After asserting its independence, it would be great to see ASEAN aspire to become a global power in its own right. With this vision in mind, perhaps it’s time to unite and promote the Southeast Asian way of life as a viable alternative to the world.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Carnival Competition and Swot

COMPETITION Carnival Corporation is part of different industries and sectors: on one hand we have the cruise industry, which is the fastest growing segment of the travel industry. Carnival is the largest cruise operator in the world, so it’s the most important player of the cruise industry. On the other hand the company is also part of a bigger sector: Hotels, Resorts and Cruise Lines, in which the competition list grows, having hotels and motels and the largest segment with 92. 4% share of the sector’s value. As a company Carnival has 11 brands distributed among the segments of the cruise ship industry.These segments are based on class, average price and number of passengers per ship. The mass-market segment also known as contemporary consists of 45 ships, an average of 2,400 passengers and a price of $114. 87. As company Carnival has the largest share of this segment with two different brands, Carnival Cruise Lines and Costa Cruises with 21 and 2 ships respectively, a share of 52%. Royal Caribbean, has 9 ships and a total of 21% of share in this segment, the company has a total of 40 ships that are operated under five different brands.Norwegian Cruise Line takes third place in the segment with a share of 18% and a total of nine ships, it is jointly owned by Star Cruises, the dominating company in the Asia-Pacific Market. Norwegian is known for its Freestyle Cruising concept, with little requirements. MSC Cruises is fourth with four out of a total of 12 ships, and a share of 9%, it sails throughout the Mediterranean and offers a wide range of itineraries in Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, South America, among others.Carnival also plays an important role in the also known as premium segment, consists of 54 ships, an average of 2,390 passengers and a price of $167. 50; with four brands and a share of 54%, a total of 28 ships. Princess Cruises, holds 26%; Costa Cruises, 18%; Holland America Line, 8%, and Carnival Cruise Lines, only o ne ship and a share of 2%. Second places goes to Royal Caribbean and three of its brands, Celebrity Cruises, 18%; Royal Caribbean International, 14% and Pullmantur with 3% and two ships.MSC Cruises is third with only 6 cruises and 11% of share. As part of the Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines sector, Carnival’s competition increases. The rivalry level is high thanks to the dependence of intense characteristics of the sector capital, management, marketing, personnel, energy, maintenance, and technology, affect the final result. Worldwide the sector reached a value of $623. 2 billion in 2011 with a growth of 8. 2%. Hotels and motels is the largest segment of the sector, it accounts for 92. % of the total value, followed by cruise lines with 4. 7%, and resorts with 2. 9%. Even though Carnival Corporation is part of a smaller segment, it still is the leading player in the sector, generating 2. 5% share of the total value. Competing with Marriot International who holds 2%, a diversif ied hospitality company with a broad portfolio of hotels, lodging facilities, corporate housing properties and timeshare properties under various brand names.Marriott Hotels & Resorts, JW Marriot, Renaissance Hotels, The Ritz Carlton, among others, are part of the portfolio that recorded revenues of $12,317 million during the financial year ended December 2011. Accor comes in third place with a share of 1. 4%, French hotel group, which operates in over 91 countries with 4,426 hotels ranging from economy to luxury, some of its brands includes, Motel 6 and Sofitel Hotels and Resorts. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide holds 0. 9%, with 1,103 properties in nearly 100 countries.Westin Hotels, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts and W Hotels, are among the diverse portfolio that recorded revenues of $5,624 million. Carnival Corporation & plc is one of the largest cruise and vacation companies in the world, operating through four segments: North America, Europe, Australia and Asia cruise brands. The company is the most important player in both the Cruise Industry and in the Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines sector, in a market where buyers and consumers are price sensitive and willing to switch to a new player if a better offer is presented. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths:Carnival has the largest fleet and passenger capacity in the cruise industry, being the largest operator in the world operating 99 cruise ships, 2. 4 the number of ships of its closest competitor Royal Caribbean. Being the worlds largest cruise operator enhances the company’s bargaining power with suppliers, which results in large economies of scale and significant cost advantage over competitors. The large portfolio of widely recognizes brands, which cater to different lifestyles and budgets, also targeted to different cultures and demographic groups addressing people’s diverse entertainment and preferences.The company has a solid marketing strategy that communicates the value proposition of each bra nd to the target audience intended. Having as the main theme ‘Fun Ships’. Investing heavily in print and television media, to project itself as the ultimate entertainment destination. In addition to advertising, Carnival uses different methods to encourage new customers and travel agents with discounts and commissions, this aggressive marketing and promotion techniques highlights the different brands in a highly competitive industry and sector.Weaknesses: Even though Carnival is the leading provider of cruise vacations in the majority of the largest markets, it shows and overdependence on the North America region because it’s the originator of most of the company’s revenues. Creating vulnerability to the economic situations and uncertainties of the American economy. Opportunities: As an industry there is an opportunity to further penetrate into the European cruise market.Although the cruise industry has grown significantly over the past decades it still oc cupies a very small proportion of the global vacation market, 4. 7%. With more opportunity to further penetrate the European cruise market, especially in Western European countries where the trend is moving in favor of cruise vacations. In addition a changed in demographics has been seen, with a growth in population of over 65. Marking the importance of the general trend where the majority of cruising passengers ranged from 45 to 65 years. Threats:New tax regulations announced by the United States, as a measure to address offshore tax avoidance, Carnival Corporation would be affected because it is incorporated in Panama and Carnival plc in the UK, so its exempt from taxation earnings because they come from operations of a ship documented under the laws of a foreign country. As cruise line company it also pays minimal corporation tax because it holds overseas status. Around 48% of the company’s revenues are generated from non-US regions and are reported in US Dollars, as a res ult there is a large dependence on the fluctuations of the dollar against all other major currencies.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Compare the descriptions of the four ghosts Essay

Dickens’ little Christmas book, ‘A Christmas Carol’, was one of many of Christmas novels, however the book, as well as selling six thousand copies in one week, has become Dickens most famous novel. Although the Victorians opinions of ghosts were conformist and modern day reader’s opinions are more lax; the variety of spectres ensured it appealed to both ages and revived the charitable meaning of Christmas for the Victorians. The first ghost Dickens introduces to the reader is Marley and he uses vivid adjectives to illustrate the typical conventions of a ghost. Some of these conventions are shown when Dickens writes, ‘The same face: the very same’, and describes his clothes as, ‘usual waistcoat, tights, and boots’. In saying that the ghost has, ‘the same’, face and clothes as the person it originated from, it conforms to the stereotypical image of a ghost. This makes the reader feel more comfortable with the opening of the novel; allowing the reader to make the prediction that the other ghosts would be similar. This successfully results in the reader being shocked later on in the book. Furthermore, Dickens uses personification to create the suspense and fearfulness that the reader would expect a ghost to do. This is evident with the quote, ‘ flame leaped up’, and, ‘it cried, â€Å"I know him! Marley’s ghost†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. When the flame, ‘leaped up’, it gives the effect that it has identified something so fearful that it has gave life to in-animate objects. This makes the reader desperate to find out why this ghost is so frightening. The flame also seems to detect that the ghost is Jacob Marley, which suits the idea that a ghost haunts someone that did wrong to them in their previous life. Adding to the terrifying image of the spectre, Dickens highlights the fear with the phrase, ‘disturbs the very marrow in his bones’. The phrase strengthens the idea that Marley is a typical spectre as a Victorian reader would expect Scrooge to be immensely scared of the ghost, this is because the conformist opinion was that ghosts we’re to be frightened of. Although Marley is overall a conventional ghost, Dickens does use a combination of metaphors and similes to add interesting original touches. These are found when the book says, ‘being provided with an infernal atmosphere of it’s own’, and, ‘as by the hot vapour from an oven’. The simile highlights the alteration between Scrooge and the ghost. One interpretation of this is that the simile is a representation of how a ghost sees the world from a different perspective then a human. The simile emphasises this interpretation and suggests that the difference between the perspectives of the two characters is that the ghost looks on the earth with envy as his own world as Marley’s own world agitates like, ‘hot vapour’. This is one of the first signs that the book will push the conformist boundaries of the after life; alerting the reader to the thought that this ghost has feelings, which is not expected from a Victorian audience. In contrast to the ghost of Jacob Marley, the ghost of Christmas past is strange and unconventional. Just as in the description of Marley, Dickens uses sound to build up suspense. For example, he describes the hour bell as, ‘hollow’. The use of this word may mean that the ghost is evil, however on the other hand it may suggest that it won’t use discretion as it is hollow and doesn’t have a heart; this is significant as it was believed that feelings came from the heart in the Victorian period. The word is successful as it makes the reader make predictions about the ghost before it arrives. This is playing with the reader and will create anxiety, as the reader will want to discover whether the prediction was right or not. In addition, Dickens confirms the idea of a ghost further. This occurs when he writes, ‘unearthly visitor’. One interpretation of this is that the word, ‘unearthly’, gives the impression that it doesn’t belong on earth and is not a typical creature. This adds to the idea of a typical ghost however, a subtle implication strays from the stereotype. The word, ‘visitor’ may imply that the ghost will not stay long which may seem insignificant to a modern reader but the Victorians feared that ghosts would haunt a specific person making their lives a misery. I think that this effectively created an unusual sense around the ghost that pre-emptively warns the reader that it isn’t a normal ghost. Moreover, Dickens uses juxtaposition to make the reader acknowledge that the ghost represents something. The contrast is shown with phrases such as, ‘like a child’, and, ‘like an old man’. The contrast implies that what someone does in the past can alter their future so you should always do the right thing. This representation is further emphasised with the imagery, ‘now with one leg’, and, ‘now with twenty legs’ as it gives an interesting, visibly imaginable example of the change. These quotes are successful as the reader can see that the ghost represents the fact that every action has a consequence.   


Do you believe your drug use and alcohol use affects your singing agenda? . Do you feel another reaction or approach could be used In reacting to rules you do to like? Case Workbook (From Corcoran, J. & Walsh, J. (2009). Mental health In social work (Appendix). Part 1, Multi-Axial Diagnosis: Given the case Information and your responses to the questions after the case, prepare the following: a multi-axial diagnosis, the rationale for the diagnosis and GAFF score, and additional Information you would have wanted to know In order to make a more accurate diagnosis.Multi-Axial Diagnosis AXIS I: 318. 82 Conduct disorder/childhood-onset type, severe 309. 0 Adjustment disorder 305. 60 Cocaine Abuse AXIS II: WI . 09 NO Diagnosis 1. Acting out 2. Dental 3. Rationalization Axis Ill: hypothyroidism, takes a thyroid hormone medication, labyrinthine, used paper clips on carving into herself this got her into a psychiatric hospital. Denies suicide, went home got in fight with her mother and drank kit cleaner Axis IV: Axis V: Multiple arrests for running away.Educational deficits due to truancy Non flexible discipline by Step Father Adjustment issues and conflict with stepfather Processing information of biological Father molesting sister Processing Mothers Illness with Cancer Expulsion from home Few positive friends GAFF=40 (Past 6 Months) Rationale and Differential Diagnosis Maladaptive espouse to a psychosocial stresses, Part of a pattern or antisocial behavior Additional Information Needed Shows little remorse for actions and effects on her family and herself Part II, Biophysically Risk and Resilience Assessment: Formulate a risk and resilience assessment, for the onset of the disorder and the course of the disorder.Biological raised by ineffective, and sometimes abusive parents, parents with substance abuse issues A stable an balance household Communication in the household Psychological lack of guilt or empathy, emotional expression owe harm avoidance, preference for no vel and dangerous activities high rate of family problems and lack of emotional regulation Communication in the household, other than yelling and control issues Social Unemployment in the family poor environment intense emotional conflict unstable interpersonal relationships Sexual abuse within the family deviant peer relationships Healthy peer set Participation in organization events that promote better peers.TABLE 2 Biophysically Risk and Resilience Assessment for the Course of the Influence from a parent suffering drug abuse Low parent issues in the household Parents getting counseling and training in their issues Continued use of drugs and alcohol Participation in illicit sexual acts And participation in Drug abuse counseling Continuous exposure to bad atmosphere In detention facility Placement in positive group treatment facility with children positively progressing with treatment Join in activities What techniques would you use to elicit additional strengths in this client? Ge t the client involved in singing activities and people in the field Challenge the client with questions of where would you like to be, what can we do to get there. 0 2008. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Modern architecture and traditional architecture

Modern architecture and traditional architecture Nowadays, as we known the architectural community has had a strong and continuing interest in traditional and modern architecture. Architecture, this word possesses an immense creativity in itself. Usually, when we hear this word, picture of creative design of physical structures flashes in our mind. Integral to the identity of any country is its architectural heritage, combining modern and traditional architectural designs or product of the blend between splendid modern and traditional architecture.Based on what have found, architecture has been Rosen down into many categories to fit the lifestyle of people in a particular place at a particular time. There are basically two types of architect which are modern architecture and traditional architecture. According to architect Eric Spry, the word â€Å"modern† provokes such strong reactions in the world of residential architecture. Some people might imagine wonderful homes of stee l and glass with open, flowing floor plans; others might imagine sterile homes that feel like museums, complete with men in red suits watching carefully that nothing is touched.Strong pinions abound about modern architecture, as they do regarding the wide variety of other architectural styles. Five hundred years ago, Native Americans was built with adobe and Europeans built with stone. Homes had thick walls, small and deep- set windows, and small interior rooms. Technologies such as steel later allowed large expanses of space and large expanses of glass. In our lifestyles today are considerably different than the lifestyles of 50 years ago, let alone the lifestyles from 100 or 200 years ago. Architecture must represent the way we live today, not the way we lived hundreds of years ago.Remember parlors? Not many would. These were sitting rooms common a hundred years ago where guests were greeted. Our lifestyle changed, and parlors were weeded out. (Discover Modern Architecture's Appea l . Eric Spry). What is a modern architecture mean? Modern architecture is known as the movement of architecture that began in the 20th century, it is also architecture that is characterized by the simplification of forms and subtraction of ornaments, modern architecture can be some of the most futuristic, colorful, innovative designs ever. Traditional vs. Modern Architecture' (Ranches . 011). Modern architecture these days there are so many materials that architects can use to create different effects on buildings. In history, Modern architecture developed during the early 20th century but gained popularity only after the Second World War. For decades, modernism became the dominant structure for institutions and corporate buildings even up to the recent period. Architectures of this type exhibit functionalism and rationalism in its structure. (What is the difference between post-modern and modern architecture?. 000). Characteristics of modern architecture include he functional requ irements of the structure, lesser ornaments used and eliminations of dispensable details, and the application of the concept of â€Å"form follows function†. ‘Comparative investigation of traditional and modern architecture' (A. S. Delia, M. A. Ensnare, T. Zachary Beverages . 2011). Generally, modern design is simple, sober and features minimal accessories. The modern design is characterized with angular frames, low profiles, geometric and abstract patterns in textiles, upholstery as well as in artwork.Natural materials like linen, leather and teak wood are mostly used. The lines are unembellished as well as straight. In modern design, the furniture is often raised from the floor with the help of legs in order to create an airy and open atmosphere. Colors used in modern design are neutral shades that are highlighted with splashes of color. Walls are generally cream and white in color. Floors are mostly made of cement or bare wood. In addition, sculptures and paintings a re used as an integral part of modern design.If you are in the process of designing or renovating your home, you may be wondering whether to include modern design in the design layout. Well, the terms – modern is closely related and people tend to use the terms interchangeably. However, in the world of design and d ©core, both the terms represent distinct and different styles. To be modern a building should be light and airy, it must push technology to its limits even effecting new invention in the process; to be architecture it must provide utility, stability, commodity and delight and all of this done in sympathy with Nature.Being novel is not to be confused with being modern. ‘Sustainable systems in Iranian traditional architecture' Avid Iraqi , Sabina Kabuki Madman . 011). As result, architecture has been going backward since the mid-20th Century because the technology available at the time still has not been fully utilized, for example, space frames, and especial ly the engineering concepts of Businessmen Fuller, such as geodesic domes large enough to cover entire cities and his lightweight temerity towers; such technology is essential to conserve scare resources in order to assure economic growth, as well as to provide for increases in population. Modern & Traditional Houses' can Weiss. 2009). Basically ,a modern home should represent how we live today. It should reflect current construction methods and materials. It should have integrity by avoiding trends. Modern architecture offers an opportunity for an original beauty, not by imitating another style from another time or place, but by considering the present and, with imagination, creating a fresh aesthetic. Secondary, we might ask what is traditional architecture?Traditional architecture is that way of building which makes serious use of the familiar symbolic forms of a particular culture of a particular people in a particular place. It is different from modern buildings because of thei r method of construction, to because of their age or their listed status. Traditional buildings have an appeal due their special character, history and location. Furthermore, when looking for a property to buy it's easy to fall in love with an old building. ‘Architecture – modernism vs. traditionalism' (Lance Baker . 2011).Traditional architecture is the term used to categorize methods of construction which use local anesthetically available resources and traditions to address local needs. Some believed that, by using local practices, such as using local materials in construction, building costs will decrease, hence being economically more advantages. By the professor Lucien Steel, traditional architecture requires a high ethical commitment to the people, their places, their beliefs and their particular traditions. This commitment is not a slavish one, nor is it a servile opportunism.Ethical attitudes are not reducible to the uncritical acceptance of dominant sets of va lues and moral conventions. They require the distinction between civic and private virtues on one hand and willful customs and obsolete practices of false morality and corrupted policies on the other. So if modernity in some way would contribute to discern the most appropriate and the cost efficient, the most human and the most ecological aspects of the contemporary potential, every traditional architect and city-builder couldn't be but a committed modern.Traditional architecture and city-building are based on a positive philosophy of life, on faith in humanity, on respect of environment and historical cultures as a common heritage of mankind, and on an inviolable legacy of genius and know-how from proceeding generations of craftsmen and committed citizen. Traditional architecture and city-building imply a sense of modesty and humility of he individual creator within the sacred creation of the universe, as well as the powerful intuition that concepts of beauty, harmony, Justice, tru th, rightness are embedded in permanence and universality.Tradition forwards a selected knowledge, a tested experience as well as an heritage of models, types, techniques and formal vocabularies. It is a dynamic process, an on-going effort and development, not a static heritage of dogmas and immutable recipes. Tradition shoulders the responsibility of carrying on an inherited culture beyond the contingencies and improvisations of the moment. In order to remain vital, alive and relevant it needs to be earned, consolidated and enriched by each single generation in the perspective of universal ideals of civilization.It implies a constant effort of appropriation of knowledge, experience and cultural values, a permanent effort of intellectual, artistic and material reconstruction. (Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Practice. Lucien Steel). Traditional architecture are mainly classified as historical buildings that have a lot of character and culture incorporated into them and artis ts were commissioned to put some color into the building giving each one an individual stamp.Now a day's traditional architecture is the widespread form of building since many years, constructed through traditional way of building methods by local builders without using the services of a professional architect. Due to western influence, architects are not using traditional architecture techniques now that are based on climatic conditions. Building materials has different categories from mud- plastered to reed-thatched to timber-framed in accordance with the availability of local material. Some houses are built to withstand earthquakes, while others can be built quickly if washed away by heavy monsoon rains.In some areas where there are limitations of building material, natural materials such as mud, grass, bamboo, thatch or sticks are used, instead of transporting materials from far place which is a blot on sustainability practices, for semi-permanent structures which require regula r maintenance and replacement. The advantages of such traditional architecture are the construction materials are cheap and easily available and relatively little labor is required. As the needs and resources of the people change, traditional architecture evolve to include more durable materials such as tones, clay tiles, metals etc.Though they are more expensive to build, they are very durable structures. In Asia climate has a major influence on traditional architecture. High thermal mass or significant amounts of insulation characterize buildings in cold climates. Lighter materials are used to build buildings in warm climates and designed for sufficient cross-ventilation through openings in the fabric of the building. In areas which have high levels of rainfall, flat roofs are avoided, even in areas with flat roofs, water harvesting techniques are being used. (Traditional Architecture In Asia . 2010)The overall effect of traditional houses is like walking through a well-curates ar t exhibit, where people can admire the buildings. The density of different buildings and stores satisfies the pedestrian's need for visual interest. It is a key part of what we call â€Å"walkabout'. This is what made historic downtowns beautiful in a way that no government or philanthropist could recreate today, and why historic preservationists nurse a broken heart with every lost structure. Traditional and modern architecture have mostly been seen as antitheses, impossible to reconcile, especially in Africa.They appear to belong to efferent ages, utilize different materials and methods, and encourage or support different lifestyles. This essay aims at seeking points where a merging of principles may be attempted between the two positions. Compare from both of them, modern building has very good facilities including toilets, kitchen etc. And more over the design is very different. They are designed according to the requirements and also the life would be much easier there in the modern building. (Traditional vs. Modern Architecture 2011). But on other hand, traditional house have great design too.It is graceful and warm and inviting. It is also beautiful. Of course traditional house can't guarantee that the roof isn't going to leak, the windows are properly sealed and the kitchen appliance is in the working order. Traditional house cannot guarantee for it. ‘Modern apartment building or traditional house ? (Teenage. 2011) The fact that modern buildings are prevalent proves modern style has its own advantages. In my country, population explosion has been a headache and the following problem is where to settle those extra citizens.Since the land is limited, one good solution is replacing those old buildings which occupy large space with tall and thin modern buildings. Also, modern buildings usually have the same and simple structure so that they can be finished in a relatively short time, compared to the traditional ones. As a result, modern buildings au gment the efficiency and make it possible to meet the increasing large demand of house nowadays. Furthermore, as modern buildings are always applied with advanced technology and theories, people can gain more security when living in such environment.But, there are many people still strongly recommend the traditional style. Specifically, unlike the modern style which can be seen everywhere, traditional buildings representing unique cantonal culture only exist in certain countries. In this way, those building can be built for special use like tourist attractions. This would bring a great profit and earn the country a good fame. In addition, buildings with traditional sense are a good way to memorize the past history and display the ancient scenes. As a result of this, some new buildings are necessary to be built in traditional style but not all the buildings.Modern buildings still play the key role in today's society and will gradually expand its affect zone. ‘Some people think all the new buildings should be built in traditional style? (Elise. 010). However, modern buildings often use steel infrastructure, where the interior columns carry most of the loading. Since this type of construction is lighter per floor, they can be built higher, cheaper, and quicker. What are the differences between ancient and modern buildings? Monsoon. 2008). For the opposite, most ancient buildings had load bearing walls, which limited their height, and accounted for the thicker walls.This also resulted in a lot less available window space. In fact in today society, one of the most significant problems accompanying with the population exploration is house problem, so more and more KY-scrapers instead of traditional buildings are built. As far as this phenomenon is concerned, some people think that we should construct much more buildings in traditional styles. Admittedly, there are some reasons for those people who stand for constructing building in traditional way. First of al l, the traditional buildings may possess more aesthetic values and historical meanings.Compared with the modern ones, the traditional buildings contain paintings or characters relating to the past certain age or dynasties; which endow more value to the buildings. Secondly, he traditional buildings often provide more spaces to house owners or renters; thereby making the living condition much easier and more comfortable. (Modern and traditional architecture 2010). However, maybe we do not think that we should build our building mainly in traditional way. Firstly, it is decided by the present social phenomenon that the number of population living in the planet nowadays has never appeared even before.Correspondingly, we have to build most our living houses in a way that never come before. Besides that, constructing our building in a modern way is also an integral part of sustaining ecosystem. Let us try to imagine that if we all build our house in traditional way, take china for example , which traditional buildings are usually one or two layers, and can it accommodate the present 1. 3 billion population . The might be a possible we could build a few numbers of buildings in traditional style which in order to hand down the traditional culture.But based on the social condition, most of our buildings should still construct in modern way. But , can modern and traditional architecture coexist? In today's world anything is possible for example Instead of painting beautiful designs on the wall, en can Just use wall paper instead which can be replaced or removed at any time. The thin line between modern architecture and traditional architecture is that Modern architecture explores mainly with the interior features whereas traditional architecture is mainly worked on the exterior features.Therefore modern architecture and traditional are definitely able to coexist. ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree? -modern & traditional building(Cathy. 2009). There is also a vast difference between modernity as an attitude and modernism as an architectural style. Modernity as an attitude, according to me, can co-exist with tradition. Modernity deals with transformation and change in the present and tries to incorporate it in buildings. Thus, it keeps changing with time. The standard steel frame and glass construction which was ‘modern' during the early 20th century is no longer modern today.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Small business plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small business plan - Research Paper Example Personal celphone users can be a profitable segment in the market given their sheer size. II. The marketing orientation that the business will follow and why you have chosen that particular path.   Marketing orientation is â€Å"an approach to business that centres its activities on satisfying the needs and wants of its customers† (Pearson 2008). By following this approach, all the activities of Mobile Plus Group Ltd will be directed toward customer satisfaction with a customer service that is second to none. The key element for a successful implementation of a marketing orientation is to know the customers of a business. Our customers are primarily composed of business people and are responsive to functionality, value and service. With this in mind, our company should strive to satisfy customer needs by always thinking of ways to source out products that could offer more functionality at a price that is lower than competition. To ensure customer retention, we should also co uple it with a customer service (a service center is also offered by the business) that is second none. Implementing this market orientation which is focused on exceeding customer expectation will ensure the company’s viability in the industry. III. At least three external environmental factors that will impact on your market. Given the nature of our business which is technology based that constantly change at a dizzying pace, we should always be on the lookout for external environmental factors that could threaten the business’ viability. The following are the three factors that are considered as a potent threat to the business. a) Obsolescence – technology innovates and changes so fast that what is â€Å"in† right now could become obsolete in just few months or weeks. Such, we should always be updated about the emerging trends and technology so that the business will be able to appropriately respond to new trends to remain viable and competitive in the market. b) Tariff – Mobile Plus Ltd market orientation is to give value to its customers. That entails offering functional celphones to customers at a lower cost. If tariff taxes will shoot up, will have an effect on our pricing which will have an impact on our competitiveness. c) Competition – If there is any external factor that could directly affect the competitiveness of a business, it would be its competitors. As such, competition should be should always be monitored to ensure that the position of the business in the industry is competitive. IV. Explain the characteristics of the chosen market. The business users segment in the celphone market can be demanding considering that they are aware of the various options and alternatives they have for our products. They know that if they are dissatisfied with our products and/or service, they can always go to the competition. The business segment market also has a greater purchasing power but appreciate getting value for their money knowing that money saved could be used for other important purchases. They require after sales support for product purchased anticipating the convenience of a customer service should they will have any issue with the product. They are also sensitive to the reliability of the products purchased from us. Time is important to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cultural, Social, and Intellectual Life in London and Paris in the 197 Essay

Cultural, Social, and Intellectual Life in London and Paris in the 1970s - Essay Example The classical era music represents tuneful melodies, less complicated and more balanced vocally and instrumentally (Bonds, 2009). During the 18th century, there was a transformation of the western culture, a lot of new ideas swept across Europe. The society underwent reorganization, countries like France ushered in the age of Napoleon. It is in the 18th century that arts and architecture underwent a dramatic change. In this period such classical artists as Haydn Mozart and Gluck produced their unique compositions that were described with simplicity and restraint in their music. The genres such as symphony concerto and sonata underwent a significant evolution in the 18th century. These artists presented the musical sounds characterised by symmetry balance and clarity. The music, which was popular in the 1790s, coincided with the last part of the enlightenment period. This age emphasized reason, logic and knowledge. The classical era represents a musical period that reflected objectivity, clarity, balance and periodicity on the music produced (Parker, 2000). In the classical era, royalty did not influence the composition of music as it did in the other periods. The music represented a break from the past where traditions such as employment by royal patrons did not exist anymore. The music depended on the courts to receive an audience, and the theatre as a culture now became dominant in the society. We are looking at music in the era in which society was undergoing a transition from customary, religious, and closed patterns into a more open, relativistic, individualistic and a secular system. The society at this time was focused on transforming from a period of order, wholeness and certainty. The society hungered for a certainty of truth, virtue and beauty. The artist of this time used the classical genre of music to meet the humanity’s longing for wholeness and reconciliation.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Four Internaional Accounting Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Four Internaional Accounting Questions - Essay Example From a creditor’s perspective, they want to be confident that the companies or debt securities their citizens (or the countries themselves) purchase are accurately represented by the published financial statements. 2a. Ever since the onset of modern business and the taxation of corporations, accounting in the US has been rules based. Any major change in the philosophy of accounting will be a challenge. The rules based accounting system dictates exactly how certain transactions should be recorded. The principle based accounting system has few rules. Instead general principles are published and companies are required to ensure their financial statements fairly and accurately represent these principles. I see the main challenge in converting from rules to principles based system will be in the consistency of financial statements. Another challenge will be in educating the investor. Under the principles based system the accountants have much more latitude in the recording of trans actions. For example, depreciation of assets will vary depending on the accountant’s view of useful life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Common core standards for mathematics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Common core standards for mathematics - Essay Example Reaching grade level seven, students must arm themselves with the basic knowledge in Geometry. It may all be about identifying shapes or using figures to solve a problem, but in Common Core State Standards Initiative or CCSSI (2012), the guideline set in this category goes beyond classifying figures since the emphasis was on the application on â€Å"angle† measurements and covered distances. The ability of students to grasp the idea of distance within surfaces in solving realistic situations is the goal of teachers in this grade level (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2012). On the other hand, New Jersey Department of Education Office of Academic Standards or NJCCCS (2008) focuses on how to measure geometrically-perceived things and expects students to innovate, as well as execute cognitive actions, to come up with the measured distances of the shapes combined. Guidelines include the use of grids for estimating measurements (New Jersey Department of Education Office of Academic Standards, 2008). Both guidelines from CCSSI and NJCCCS are somewhat interconnected. Both focus on the ability of students to apply prior knowledge in real events and their lives, as well. The goal is for students to master the guideline and all its related outcomes affixed for grade seven Geometry. Once a student has proven to accomplish the grade level’s expectations, he/she will be able to move to the next level to optimize his/her learning

Monday, September 9, 2019

Who has the right to write literature about war Essay

Who has the right to write literature about war - Essay Example The first novel about war was written by the male because of their active participation in the war compared to women. Poem about with the theme of men, who walk away, is an explanation of the soldiers in the war. The poem serves as an example of the future generation of the behaviour of men during the war. The pre-war novels were about the role of women during the war. The women responsibility to take cares of domestic chores and had no voice during the war. Most women, who advocated their independence, challenged the novel. Women poets came up with poems that describe their role in the war as opposed to those written by men. Other writers wrote poets that explain if the war occurs or not, the authors state the reasons for the war to occur. For the war to happen there should be a reason. African American literature has been incorporated as part of American literature. However, it is independent of its styles and voices from the American literature. The independence has assisted in reach for many audiences of black origin. In United States, African American literature is criticized for the separation of the writing styles. The separation in literature advocated for women to write about their fellow women and African American to write about the blacks. The new policy in it literature was opposed by the many writers because hinder the literature to explore the entire human race. All the writers have equal right despite the race or the gender background to express their opinion in the literature about the war. In the past, the natives ignored the African American literature. Recently the diverse groups in America have accepted the literature written by the blacks in America because of the reduction in the racial discrimination. In conclusion, all the individuals have a right to write literature about war. The Africa American writers believe that that literature gave them political liberation. The literature presents the truth

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Interpretive Note on Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Essay

Interpretive Note on Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs - Essay Example The Country of the Pointed Firs is one such work, in which, Jewett subtly shows how women can live an independent life without following certain stereotypes. So, this paper analyzes how Jewett also focuses on women-dominated space, particularly their psychic. The Country of the Pointed Firs follows the trails of the unnamed narrator in the fictional town of Dunnet Landing, Maine. She is a writer from Boston, who comes to Dunnet Landing to complete the work she has started. Renting a room in the home of Mrs. Todd, she gets acclimatized to the area and becomes captivated by the old-fashioned community. Most of the town’s population are old people with ages ranging between sixty and ninety. All of them are ‘rich’ with many interesting experiences and thus they tell small stories or anecdotes about the town, the sea, as well as the town’s people, to the narrator thereby enriching the narrator’s experience. The narrator was overwhelmed by the experience with nostalgia flowing through her mind. In course of time, she strikes a ‘close relationship’ with Mrs. Todd and that gives another perspective to the work. In most of her works, Jewett, pushed by her wish to break all dichotomies, creates female characters who are strong, confident and independent. In The Country of the Pointed Firs, apart from the narrator character, the character who symbolized the above said positive virtues of woman is Mrs. Todd. This semiautobiographical novel follows a young woman writer, who while spending a summer Dunnett Landing and completing her work, comes in contact with a group of women. These women while telling many stories about the town, become emotionally attached to the writer. â€Å"There she is adopted into a loose knit group of women who weave a web of stories about the town, the surrounding islands and the folks who live, or lived, there.† ( They spend a lot of time close to each other, sharing good rapport and so

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Are Clausewitz theory of Friction and Means and Ends relevant to a Research Paper

Are Clausewitz theory of Friction and Means and Ends relevant to a college student today - Research Paper Example It is important to remember that the fog stems from corrupted information and so, the US officers can get better able to see and interpret everything by making advancements in information technologies. This research paper is basically an attempt to scrutinize the extent to which the Clausewitzian concepts on war can be considered relevant today for college students by exploring what the research literature has to say on the subject. Carl Von Clausewitz served in military army and developed many momentous theories about war. Those theories can be found in his epic book â€Å"On War† which was still unfinished when he died. He has gained more reputation till now as a military theorist than a military professional. The fact that Clausewitz’s work is still frenetically researched demonstrates that it is found relevant even today in contemporary times. Also, my opinion is that I appreciate and enjoy Clausewitz’s theoretical approaches to war. I believe that he has con veyed what it takes to really understand the phenomenon of war through his insightful theories which can be useful to anybody even today in the modern times. According to Clausewitz, â€Å"war is served by many activities† (2008, p. ... In his theory about means and end, he favors strategy over tactics. His concept of tactics is a confluence of two streams, means (fighting forces) and ends (victory) suggesting that better trained fighting forces can lead to victory if they are more experienced at seeing and processing information on the battlefield. This is because once the means are properly developed, the purposes of the war get clearer, and the desired objectives can be reached without unnecessary delays due to uncertainty (fog). However, in strategy the means is victory and the end is things which can help to reestablish peace. Just victory is not important, reestablishment of peace should also be a desired end. I find Clausewitz’s theoretical concepts to be both thought-provoking and acutely insightful because he digs with acute intelligence into a variety of meanings associated with friction and means and ends, and the best part is that every meaning holds something captivating to reflect. Clausewitz ho lds the position that the rate of probability is especially high in a situation like war because everything is uncertain. Here, he goes against earlier war theorists who attempted to astutely assess the war performance by using hard and fast rules. For this purpose, the earlier theorists concentrated only on factors which could be calculated like the war supplies, number of participants (soldiers), interior lines etc. They forgot to assess the conduct of war by considering factors which do not have fixed values and cannot be calculated. It is the work of those theorists which cannot be considered relevant today because the times have changed and there is no room for those inflexible concepts on war now. Clausewitz’s work on war in reference to its relevance today

Friday, September 6, 2019

Hybrid cars Essay Example for Free

Hybrid cars Essay Industrialization has contributed to high-energy consumption across the world. The developed countries consume the larger share due to more industries that operate there. The release of pollutant substances into the atmosphere has led to global warming whose dangerous effects are already being felt today. The motor industry, being one of the largest pollutants, has been seeking new technologies that would lead to less pollution. The amounts of carbon dioxide by the motor industry are large enough for the industry to get concerned. In the early days, most cars were solely powered by fuel combustion engines alone. Such vehicles did not have much power as the new hybrid engines of nowadays. The fuel engines also produced large quantities of harmful gases. With the current debate on environmental issues, car manufacturers have resulted to developing more energy efficient vehicles that will produce equal or more power as earlier engines but with less harmful effects. The idea of developing hybrid car engines was borne from the successful introduction of hybrid powertrains. These hybrid powertrains were found more fuel efficient and this triggered car manufacturers to adopting the technology to the car industry (Haan et al, 2006). Hybrid cars are those cars whose engines use more than one power sources. Much criticism as well as commendation of these hybrid cars has been witnessed. The main issues of contention are the fuel efficiency of the hybrid vehicles over other engine cars and the effect of the hybrid cars on the economy. Some authors have argued that as much as hybrid vehicles lead to fuel efficiency, there are counter effects that negate any gains made. Studies have been done to quantify these factors to authenticate the allegations and interesting findings have come up. () In a study by Haan and others, they aimed at assessing the extent to which hybrid cars had changed people’s choice of buying cars. It had been argued that the introduction of hybrid cars led to people abandoning the fuel efficient vehicles they used earlier in favour of hybrid cars. The study was an assessment of the various ways that policy makers in different countries intended to address issues of pollution by cars. Several measures had been proposed and they centered on reducing the demand for cars, reducing energy consumption per vehicle per distance in kilometers and reduction of carbon emissions (Haan, 1082). Hybrid cars were considered energy efficient and that fewer pollutants were released (http://www. activehybrid. com). It was, however, generally argued that the hybrid cars had other counter effects. The study by Haan sought to quantify this. This suggests that there was an argument that hybrid cars, for some reason, were bought as additional cars thus increasing the number of cars owned by a household. Governments aim at reducing number of cars per household and hybrid cars worked against this principle. Following this argument, there was a general view that the lesser taxes charged on hybrid cars had led to the influx of the cars into the markets. (http://www. activehybrid. com/). The results of the study indicate that hybrid cars indeed reduce emissions. If a government is to effectively reduce the amount of emissions from the motor industry, hybrid cars have to be adopted. Policy should, therefore, allow more hybrid cars and to encourage this, tax reductions on hybrid cars should be sustained. The study further identified that hybrid cars do not increase the number of cars per household. The increment that was recorded was due to other factors unassociated with hybrid cars themselves. The findings of this study quell fears that hybrid cars have an overall effect that harm the economy (http://www. activehybrid. com/Why-Hybrids-are-the-Vehicles-of-Choice-these-days. html). Authors expressed that it was insufficient to evaluate a vehicle’s pollution level without considering other factors involved in the vehicle’s life cycle. Authors expressed a need of focusing not only on the output emission levels of the final product but also on the processes involved in developing these cars. Economic factors had to be considered to justify the efficiency of any type of car engine including hybrid. The cost aspect also had to be checked, to assess the economic viability of the car engines, the prices of having batteries was analyzed, fuel costs also, and driving range (Granovskii, 1186). Granovskii and others carried out a study to assess the environmental factors. The study sought to quantity the amounts of greenhouse gases related by each of the types of engines considered. The various other pollutants emitted in the manufacture and repair of batteries were also analyzed. The results of this study show that in comparison with the electric car, hybrid car was superior in car emission produced. More pollutants were released. The prices of electric cars were less than those of hybrid cars. There results suggest that if electric power would be generated and conserved in the car engines, the gains from such an electric engine would be more than that from hybrid cars. However, the study found that no car engine was superior to all other on all fronts. On every aspect the different cars engines should advantages over others. The hydrogen engine, though, did not have any advantage over other engine types except that it had least pollution. The study further indicated that when natural gases are used for generation of electricity in an engine, the hybrid is better than other engine types (Anderson). Manufacturers had further developed intelligent technology that enabled cars to sense their environments and adjust their fuel consumption levels. The developers of this technology strongly believed that this technology was the most fuel efficient that should be adopted to replace the hybrid cars. The new technology engine was proposed as fuel saving and less pollutant than all other engine types. A review of literature in a study done by Manzie and others reveal that hybrid cars had high initial costs that dispelled many customers from buying them. Hybrid engines had been found to be more fuel efficient in trains and this technology was extended to the cars. The study by Manzie focused on identifying any benefits realized from the use of hybrid and communication technologies in fuel economy. A situation model was used in evaluation of the fuel economy of combining these two technologies. The study was carried out in Australia. The hybrid model used in this consisted of the hybrid electric vehicle. The speed of the vehicle was evaluated when the technologies are combined. Several control procedures were put to ensure the result are not skewed to any side (http://www. hybrid-vehicles. net/). The results of the study indicate that there were significant improvements in fuel economizing. Less fuel was consumed by the hybrid vehicles. Telematics, which combine intelligent capabilities in a car, were found to be cost effective and fuel efficient. The results also indicate that there may be challenges in adopting the new telematics technology because it affects overtaking between intelligent and unintelligent cars. The study indicated that hybrid systems alone consumed less fuel. A combination of hybrid and telematics technology to create an intelligent hybrid car led to more improvements in fuel consumption. There are benefits that are associated with the hybrid cars. Studies have shown that these cars consume less fuel, release fewer pollutants and have more power. Today the hybrid model car engines are being improved their capabilities. Hybrid cars are environmental friend. These cars are also cheap enabling people to acquire vehicles fast and save money to do other important things. The hybrid cars have now found their way into United States military operations (Mehney). It is evident from the above analysis that hybrid vehicles consume less energy than combustion engines. The evidence is not only in theory but has been supported by empirical evidence. The several control measures applied in each study ensure that the results are a true representation of the actual situation. Hybrid cars have all evidently been found to release fewer pollutants into the atmosphere. In fact, this is the technology that every country serious on reducing pollution should emphasize on. The criticism of the hybrid cars has not presented empirical evidence to authenticate allegations. Most of these allegations are generalizations. It seems that the hybrid technology poses a threat to some manufacturers and that is why they resist it. The technology, however, has revealed its evidence and we can go by it. Manufacturers need to focus on building energy efficient cars such as the hybrid ones. Works Cited Granovskii, Mikhail. , Dincer, Ibrahim and Marc A. Rosen. â€Å"Economic and environmental comparison of conventional, hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles† Journal of Power Sources. Volume 159, 2, (2006): 1186-1193. Haan, Peter. , Peters, Anja and Scholz W. Roland. †The Automobile Industry Sustainability† Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 15, 11-12, (2006): 1076-1084. â€Å"Hybrid cars are an excellent choice! † 2007 Hybrid Cars Blog 15 August 2007 http://www. activehybrid. com/ â€Å"Hybrid Vehicles† 2005, 15 August 2007 http://www. hybrid-vehicles. net/ . Manzie, Chris. , Watson, Harry and Halgamuge, Saman. â€Å"Fuel economy improvements for urban driving: Hybrid vs. intelligent vehicles† Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Volume 15, Issue 1, 2007: 1-16. Mehney, Paul. â€Å"Public Affairs Officer Army Unveils First Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for New Combat Vehicles,† Aug 15, 2007. US Army. 15 August 2007 http://www. army. mil/-newsreleases/2007/08/15/4424-army-unveils-first-hybrid-electric-propulsion-system-for-new-combat-vehicles/. Anderson, Tony. â€Å"Proven Ways to Increase Your Gas Mileage†, July 1, 2007, 15 august 2007 http://www. gasmileagemanual. com/? gclid=CO3UhKPF940CFQWIlAodGRsjMA. â€Å"Why Hybrids Are The Vehicles Of Choice These Days. † 15 August 2007, http://www. activehybrid. com/Why-Hybrids-are-the-Vehicles-of-Choice-these-days. html.